We bought our house in June and I immediately started trying to figure out how we could start an adoption! By the end of July I had contacted Dani Funk at Adoption Babylink about starting a homestudy and she came to do our first visit on August 4! We initially had planned to adopt from Latvia but nothing was falling into place quite right and something just didn't feel right. So I remembered a facebook conversation I had had with Leah Spring several months earlier. I emailed the ministry in Serbia in late August. They were on Holiday so I didn't here back from them until September 9th.
From then on it went really quickly! I had no idea just how fast things could go with Serbia so I didn't worry about all the paperwork until a couple weeks later and we have been racing since trying to get medicals done and income verifications etc. As of today everything is completed and we are just waiting for the final copy of the homestudy! Our next step is to apply to immagration to get permission to bring our new little girl home! At the same time we send that in we will be sending our dossier over to Serbia to be translated. As soon as that is finished we will get more specific information on the little girl we have preliminary approval for and hopefully a picture of her too!
We have requested a little girl with Down Syndrome so we know she will have our favorite extra chromosome but that is pretty much all we know! We could possibly travel as soon as early December so we have been doing everything possible to come up with the funds for travel and in country costs. Just airfare for Bill and I roundtrip and our little one on the way home will be well over $2,500!
We have added a fundraising thermometer to our sidebar with a donation button. We would appreciate any donation no matter how big or small! Please consider being a part of saving our daughter from a life without a family!
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